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When Heel Pain Warrants a Visit to a Professional

You have heel pain. Should you call the foot doctor or wait it out? As with so many other injuries, it’s best to treat heel pain earlier rather than later. You don’t want to worsen a soft tissue injury.

Heel pain can keep you off your feet. After all, it’s almost impossible to walk around without putting weight on your heel.  

Our board-certified podiatrists with Platte River Foot & Ankle Surgeons treat many patients who are dealing with heel pain. A common cause of heel pain is plantar fasciitis, inflammation of a ligament that stretches from the back to the front of your foot.  

However, that’s just one of several reasons you may have pain in your heel. Others include:

  • Achilles tendonitis: Inflammation of the tendon that connects to your heel bone
  • Bursitis: Irritation of a sac filled with fluid that helps lubricate your heel joint
  • Heel spurs: Calcium deposits

All of these conditions need treatment by a physician who specializes in the foot and ankle.  

Our podiatrists promptly diagnose and treat your heel pain. We review your medical history, symptoms, activity level, and the sports you play. We take X-rays and may recommend an MRI, which can detect issues with underlying tendons as well as damage from plantar fasciitis.  

When you should see a podiatrist for heel pain 

If your pain is minor, try icing the area, taking over-the-counter pain relievers, and giving it a rest. If it doesn’t get better or the pain gets worse within a few days, make an appointment with our office. You don’t want to make the injury worse by continuing to walk on it.  

If you have heel pain that persists even if you’re not standing up or walking, call our office for an appointment.  

Are you having trouble bending your heel down or raising yourself on your toes? You likely have plantar fasciitis, which requires medical treatment.  

Have you been in an accident or suffered a sports injury? Is your heel red, swollen, and painful? You may have a heel fracture.  

Treatments for heel pain 

Heel pain requires you to modify your daily routine. We prescribe treatment specifically geared to your individual circumstance.  

Plantar fasciitis is the culprit in a majority of cases of heel pain. At-home treatment includes rest, ice, pain relievers, and gentle stretches that we prescribe.  

If you’re in severe pain, we can administer a cortisone injection in our office, and you should feel relief in a couple of days. Depending on your injury, we may prescribe custom orthotics or a night splint. You may need physical therapy.  

We also use platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections, shockwave therapy, and ultrasonic tissue repair depending on your injury. Most patients who have heel pain don’t need surgery.  

Call Platte River Foot & Ankle Surgeons or request an appointment on our website today if you have heel pain.

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